
The Ultimate success

Tangent Web


J.B. Nandlal

This book defines Success as the ultimate aim during the journey of life and the never ending process of continuation achieving with gratitude.

This is not a book to put away after chapter to Chapter reading. Spend more time linking the contents to your real life situations and live to it.


To my wonderful grandchildren - Alesha - Arian - Pritika

With their unconditional flow of love & pride - inspiring me to keep writing.

May they grow gracefully to be responsible citizens of India.

"Many of the ideas / knowledge for compilation of the contents of this book has come by popular magazines, newspaper articles, information available online, seminars and books on the subject and incorporated for benefit of readers."


For my daughter Kanchan and son-in-law Captain Alok Saxena who not only appreciated my earlier self help books but deeply motivated me to continue sharing my knowledge and experiences with many, vide self help books and felt proud of me as writer saying — It is never too late.

I owe special thanks to my wife – the light of my life, my daughter in law and my son Vikas - a deep Sai baba devotee who encouraged me and sought Baba's blessings, for accomplishment . Of course I cannot ignore the good wishes & inspiration of friends and relatives, which inspired me.

Author's Profile...

Mr. J.B.Nandlal, based in Mumbai, had graduated in Hotel Management in India and further in London. He started his career with Indian Airlines in Kolkata and then was Regional Manager – Onboard Services for Northern Region at Delhi and for Western Region at Mumbai till 1978 when he switched over to the private sector and was General Manager - Mumbai & Delhi for Ambassadors Skychef Int'l Flight Catering and then with Air India's “Chefair” Flight Catering - till the year 1993 when he commenced his services as a Hospitality Management Consultant . For next two decades he provided services for many hotels, flight catering units as well restaurant chains Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Goa, Mumbai and other places. Associated with aviation, he had opportunities to travel much in India & abroad and deal with people of varied regions and nationalities. He started authoring non-fiction books with subjective titles – educational and a guide for the journey of life on earth to achieve happiness & success . His three books are already published and available on popular sites. This book “The Ultimate Success” is the book for learning the ays to Success and as a reference guide too. Author's email id :


Dreams—Goals—Decisiveness—Work-Achievement &


Definition of success is different for everyone, whether it is de professional or entrepreneurial, we are always looking at improving some areas of life. We all need some inspiration from time to time

With celebrity heavy culture, it’s very common to make per unconsciously adapt a frame of reference that if they are not famous if they are not wealthy, they are not successful.

People should think, gaining respect by earning it from few people you know and who know you, as opposed to getting recognized from people you don’t know.

When it comes to money, try to emphasize needs that are related to financial security for you and your family rather than a scoreboard that counts up the zeros at the end of your net worth

You get to define SUCCESS for yourself. It’s whatever personality you have that probably affects the way you define it. That’s the Life you get to live.

Success is not a destination, but a journey – always demanding more….and journey is what brings happiness and not the destination. It is a continuous process of innovation & goals and the thrill, when you are the achiever and then what next?

Whether it is personal like a happy marriage life, the education of children, buying a shelter, marriages of children, taking care of elders ...your thoughtfulness to be successful and goals achieved gives you inner happiness; or you have risen in your career to the ambitious status is a symbol of success. Your business venture as per your dream has turned into reality is a success story and also a source for satisfaction. There could be problems, may be small ones and if you avoid facing them, the larger problems will destroy you. We live our lives not avoiding problems but taking them as a challenge that will strengthen us so that we can achieve success in future. This book defines Success as the ultimate aim during the journey of life and the never ending process of continuously achieving with gratitude & returning to society and assisting the less fortunate. This is not a book to be put away after reading chapter to chapter. Put it down frequently-spend more time thinking about contents-linking it to your real life situations and live to it. Let the book do its work to awaken you for your conditional thinking.



“Shoot at the moon,even if you miss,

You will land among the stars”

-Les Brown

“vision without action is a daydream

Action without vision is a nightmare”

-a japanese Proverb

Dreams can inspire you, goals can change your life. Sometimes it only takes one step to change a dream into a goal. Yet, it can take years to take that goal to finish line. Always dream big, but make sure goals are as big. Because dreams don’t come true…but goals do

“The greatest dreams are always unrealistic”

-Will Smith

In order to fulfil our dreams, we must set goals, to remind us what we desire and to understand ourselves better. Organize your goals to be successful and “live the life of your dreams”.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

– Walt Disney

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”

– Colin Powell”

Dreams are easy, they are free too. However dreams by themselves are just that….dreams. They are imaginary, and they don’t produce tangible results. You need to turn your dreams into action. You need goals to make the vision of your dream real. Dreams can inspire you, you need goals to make the vision of your dream real. Dreams can happen without lifting a finger, while you are asleep. Dreams can go on forever, unless you have the initiative to turn into goal and the courage to make action to achieve.

Dreams could be personal relations, education, career, entrepreneurship or stress free retired life or any other area of life.

Self expression in a creative process, primarily begins with an pulse or feeling, passes to thoughts and completes itself in an act of will – a dream

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